Aug 8, 2013

I'm alive!

I went to Germany. I got back and had blogger's block.

I still have blogger's block. Summer is ending and I am trying hard to procrastinate doing work-related things. I have been in and out of the building here and there, plus I have been working from home on the daily. It's not like I haven't done anything. I just want to pretend that summer isn't over.

Husband graduates with his MBA this Saturday. We're in the middle of Chicago Marathon training (quite literally--it's week 9). I broke and got a Twitter account. A few weeks ago I ran an 8K and PRed. Last night I ran a 5K but didn't PR. Next week we're going to ride some new roller coasters.

I need direction in my life. Maybe I'll find it tomorrow...


  1. Where in Germany??
    What day do you start school?
    I HATE bloggers block, I have gone months without writing, then the urge just hits me. Sometimes I have to make myself write.
    Good luck, hope your writing mojo comes back soon!

    1. I spent most of my time in two cities--Giessen (Hessen) and Steinen/Istein (Baden-Wuerttemberg). The former is a mid-sized city, kinda like Toledo but without any kind of downtown or ghetto. Steinen is a teeny-tiny village near Switzerland and France. It's very pretty and they make you drink a lot of wine. I like Germany, but I love the United States.
      School starts next Wednesday, but I am required to be back on Monday. Finally, at the end of summer, I have written a full blog post of substance.
