Nov 5, 2013

I guess I'll run a half...

I'm in! As of yesterday I'm registered for the 46.5th Churchill's Half Marathon. It's fun being able to just register for a half marathon on whim. Two years ago I would have been nervous. Three years ago I would have laughed at the thought of me running a half marathon. Now it's just another long, weekend fun-run.

I ran the Churchill's Half in 2012 during Glass City Marathon training. It was a mild spring day when my plan had me running 20 miles. Originally I was to run the half then a "cool-down" 7 miles. Then I changed my plan to run to the race start in Monclova, run the race, then run back home, which would have had me just over 20 miles. The night before I chickened out and changed everything; instead I ran 7 miles around Perrysburg then drove to the race location. Had I gone with my original plan I probably would have run significantly faster. I had no serious time goal for that race, though, so instead I ran it for fun with Alyssa and Rob.

I passed on running Churchill's 46th Half Marathon this past spring because the route, assuming it was the same as in 2012, was pretty boring. For reasons I believe to be somewhat political in nature revolving around rival running shops and race sponsors the race director(s) added a round 2 for 2013, thus the and-a-half added to the event number. Why am I running this 46.5th if I didn't want to run the boring route this past spring?

Instead of running the windy out-and-back course in Monclova the 46.5th Churchill's Half Marathon takes us from Perrysburg High School northboud, westward, south, across the Mighty Maumee in Waterville, then back up north along the river all the way to Fallen Timbers. It'll be my first point-to-point race. The route should be a pretty one; I love Perrysburg and Maumee. Waterville: Meh, I can take it or leave it. It'll be fun to cross the river, though! The small joys in life...

What's my plan for half marathon number five? Not sure yet. I'm going to focus this week on running smart and see where that has me come Saturday morning. It's possible that Joe, Rob, and I will run this together. It's also possible that my pride will make me take it too seriously and tear off on my own. I'm in trouble if Joe chooses to do that--his half marathon PR is a solid minute faster than mine. I've got him in the 5K (as of now) and the full, but he owns the 8K and half marathon distances in races that we've run together. We'll see what happens...

The year is winding down, but the races keep coming! Are you running Churchill's this weekend? What's your race schedule for the rest of 2013?


  1. I am volunteering at the race this weekend! I am a course marshal around mile 10 in Waterville!!

    1. Nice! I need to jump onto the race volunteer train. In advance, thanks for making sure we don't die! Will you yell something if you see me?
